The first chapter of
The Graveyard Book starts out with a murder. The first words are, "There was a hand in the darkness, a hand with a knife". The man with the knife murder's almost a whole family. A mother, a father, and a little girl. He goes up to the final child's room to find that the little boy is gone. The man is furious because he had to kill the whole family, and the job isn't done until he does. The in the night the little boy escaped his crib, and walked to the graveyard on the hill above his house. Meanwhile, the ghosts of the graveyard find the boy. The boy's mother appears in the graveyard as a ghost and begs the graveyard ghosts to protect her son. A family in the graveyard named the Owens take the little boy in and give him the freedom of the graveyard (which means he can walk though walls, see in the dark etc) and name him Nobody Owens (Bod for short).
In the rest of this book, Bod has many adventures, like going to school with living people, going into an ancient grave with a scary snake-like creature with his friend Scarlett, and at the end of the book, he faces the man that killed his family. I really liked the atmosphere of this book and the art.
four out of five stars ****
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