(above: the logo of the independent order of odd fellows or IOOF)
here are weird words for Friday!!!!
1. Nemesis An enemy or foe
Ex. Harry potter's Nemesis is Lord Voldermort
2. Brobdingnagian Big, huge or gigantic
Ex. wow look at that Brobdingnagian giant squid!!!
3.mellifluous Oozing with sweetness
4.winsome sweetly, innocently, or charming
Ex. Liz winsome without trying
5. Nudiumstertian The day before yesterday
nudiustertian was my birthday
6. oxter Outdated word for armpit
Ex. my oxer is itchy!!!
7. Impignorate To pawn or mortgage something
Ex. I heard that sally had to impignorate her fancy diamond earrings!!
8. Agliff a verb meaning frightened
I don't have an example for this one
9. aucupate To go bird-watching
Ex. Lizzie and I are going aucupating!!
10. Batta Overtime wages
Ex. Sam earned batta from working at the concert

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