Friday, May 14, 2010

friday odd words

so, this morning I was bored!!!!  so I googled weird words and I made a list of my favorite:

1. erinaceous  means like  a hedgehog. example "That weird boy bob is so erinaceus!"

2. limerance   An attempt at a scientific study into the nature of romantic love. I have no example for this one...

3. mungo  A Dumpster diver. I assume  that mungoing would mean dumpster diving. example: "is that your aunt Loise mungoing??"

4. flocciaucinihilipilification  An estimation that something is valueless. example: "After close examination the art dealer said the vase was flocciaucinihilipilfication" (I'm not sure I used that one right) 

5. pronk  A weak or foolish person. example: "That boy is SUCH a pronk!!'

6. tyorotoxism  To be poisoned by cheese (yes cheese) example: "Mr. Smith I  missed class because I had been tyorotoxismed!!!"

7. widdiful  A person that deserves to be hanged. I don't have an example, so hopefully you'll never have need to use it.

8. zabbernism  The abuse of military power.  I also don't have an example for this one

9. selcouth  Rare strange wonderful marvelous. example: "Kiki strike is selcouth book!!!"

10. rastaquouere  A social climber.  example: "That girl Tiffany is SUCH a rastaquouere!!!!"

1 comment:

  1. The entire 8 years of the Bush administration is a great example of zabbernism. And you are very selcouth, as is your blog. As long as you aren't using it in some kind of rastaquoueresque way. That would be very pronk of you. Wonder what dad will find mungoing today (ok, he really does do that)? How did we get along without these very useful words? You need to find a good word for a blog that does a public service by acquainting the public with useless, yet obscure words. I'm sure there's one out there.
