Friday, May 28, 2010

friday weird words

(above: Well I wouldn't want to sit in it!)
Here they are!!!

1. Heebie-jeebies   Nervous "Helena had the heebie-jeebies about getting her black belt in tae-kwon-do"
2. Porphyrophbia  Fear of the color purple "Carly's porphyrophobia prevented her from going to her friend's purple party"
3. Jejune  Nothing interesting  "My book had jejune in it"
4. Perspicacious  To have very good judgment  "Kora was very perspicacious today!!"
5. Conign  A well deserved punishment  "Give that boy a conign for blowing up the bronze Bobcat statue!!"
6. Agroof  To fall flat on your face  "Annie noticed that Taylor was about to agroof"
7. Amplomb  To have self confidence "Lola had amplomb today!!!"
8. Betwixt   Between  "Torie, would you pass me the pen betwixt those books??"
9.  Euphoria  A feeling of great happiness (no example)

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